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Non-Available Bed Plan Policy Extended through September 30, 2025 (SNF)

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) released bulletin MMP 24-13, which extends the flexibilities for Non-Available Bed Plans (NABP) under Medicaid Bulletin MSA 21-43, allowing nursing facilities to be more selective in their non-available bed designations through September 30, 2025. 

Prior to MDHHS issuing MMP 24-13, the flexibilities granted under MSA 21-43 had been scheduled to end September 30, 2024, and only allowed a total of four bed plan extensions. 

Good News: HCAM successfully advocated for three additional non-available bed plan extensions instead of the proposed two, bringing the total from four extensions to seven through September 2025. Additionally, these three supplemental extensions can be used immediately after a facility’s fourth NABP ends. The intent of this policy is to allow an extension without any gaps. That means facilities that used NABPs under MSA 21-43 since its inception on October 1, 2021, will now have enough bed plan extensions to reach September 30, 2025. After that date, the temporary policies under MSA 21-43 will expire, and the non-available bed plan policy will revert back to pre-pandemic policies. Questions? Email [email protected].