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Deadline Approaching: Comments on the Minimum Staffing Rule Due November 6

AHCA is spearheading a letter writing campaign to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). If you have not done so already, please engage in advocacy efforts to oppose the recently released minimum staffing rule. The comment process is straightforward. AHCA’s action page walks you through user-friendly instructions that enable you to submit comments in just a few minutes.

The “Minimum Staffing Standards for Long Term Care Facilities” rule, released September 1, includes the following primary elements:

  • Minimum nurse and aide hours per resident day (HPRD) staffing minimums that increase with acuity and census: 0.55 HPRD RN and 2.45 HPRD Nurse Aide.
  • Revisions to Registered Nurse (RN) coverage, moving to a 24/7 requirement.
  • Revisions to the Facility Assessment using evidence based, data-driven methods to determine staffing requirements based on census and acuity.

Please note: The proposed rule is unfunded. Your comments to CMS should share the direct impact the proposed rule will have on your facility and your prioritization of the most pressing issues with the rule as written. No one knows better than you how this unfunded mandate will impact skilled nursing facilities across the country. The comment period runs through November 6, 2023.

Click here to submit your comments to CMS to oppose the staffing rule.