
Hybrid Nurse Aide Training Program Available in Michigan

Workforce shortages remain long-term care providers’ number-one concern. When coupled with the growing elderly population and the recently mandated federal staffing minimums, the threat to health care access grows more serious each day. Mitigating this threat is critical; and while many factors contribute to the crisis, the lack of qualified personnel — and certified nurse aides in particular — is paramount.

In 2021, Michigan updated its Nurse Aide Administrative Rules to move beyond the classroom and allow training programs to offer flexible options that give potential students choices about where and how they learn — providing alternate avenues to complete their training. Once the rules changed, HCAM partnered with a hybrid nurse aide training program — CNAonline — to bring modern, practical training to Michigan. What began as a successful pilot program is now available across the state. 

In Michigan, providers can take advantage of the program in two ways: (1) Offer training onsite at their facility or (2) Have potential CNAs participate in a proprietary school operated by CNAonline. Find out more about the program by clicking here.

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