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Thank You and Farewell

To each and every member and friend of MCAL;

At the start of 2022, I shared with the HCAM/MCAL team and the MCAL Board of Directors that the time was approaching for me to retire as CEO of the Michigan Center for Assisted Living. As December 31 nears, the time has arrived for me to write my last “update” and say thank you to each and every one of you. 

In my 35 years in long term care – from my days in nursing home and assisted living administration to the last 23 years here at the association – it’s always been an honor to serve.

Unfortunately, the pandemic hindered my ability to come out and see as many of you as I would have liked to in this last year. But please know that you were and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you care and advocate for Michigan’s elders and those younger adults who also depend on you.

I am excited for the association’s future and hope you are, too. Change brings amazing opportunities, and I am happy that Jenny Post has joined the team as HCAM’s Vice President of Assisted Living. She is a great long-term care advocate and an amazing person who will support and represent you well. As Jenny embraces her new role, I look forward to being available to help her get up to speed quickly on all of the information and programs that you depend on. I also will assist with the CALD program until we are able to transition the administrative role of the program to Jenny as well.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your trust and confidence in me over so many years. I have been blessed to work with outstanding board members, committee volunteers, staff, partners, government and legislative contacts, and many other stakeholders. But, the most important relationship has been with each and every member that I have been blessed to support. We learned and accomplished so much together. To me, you are more than members, you’ve become my friends.

I wish for all of you the very best, with deep respect and thanks for the work you continue to do every single day!