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AFC Provider YouTube Training Channel

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Adult Foster Care Division created an AFC Provider YouTube Training Channel where Adult Foster Care applicants and providers can find free resources and training videos related to the Michigan Adult Foster Care Act, Public Act 218, and Adult Foster Care Administrative Licensing Rules and Regulations. Providers can also find training videos that empower them to go above and beyond minimum licensing requirements and implement best practices in their facilities. Several of the video trainings count towards required training for Adult Foster Care group home direct care staff, as well as towards the required annual training hours for group home licensees/licensee designees and administrators. Most training videos come with a quiz, which is located in the information box below the training videos. Providers can use this quiz to assess staff members’ competency after viewing the video trainings. Once the quiz is taken, click “results,” print and add the staff member’s name, date and signature. It is suggested licensees keep a copy of quiz results in employee records.